From the Desk of Schuba...
Dear Izzi B Parents and Guardians,
The new morning announcements are a huge hit with students and staff! These announcements are done “on location” in one surprise classroom per day and amplified over the school intercom system to build positive school culture. Here is an example of one of the students who was recognized in Duffy’s Fifth Grade Class (below). Students can also nominate other students and staff members as well!
Nominated by: Duffy
Who is being recognized: Olivia Lippa
Dragon Disposition: Tenacious
What did they do? This tenacious scholar is always doing extra, taking work home, doing more then she's asked. Her love of learning makes me want to come to work everyday. Thank you Olivia.
All K-5 classrooms have completed our first Second Step Unit 1 entitled “Skills for Learning.” We will come together as a community on Tuesday, Oct. 9th for an assembly aimed to reinforce listening, focusing attention, using self-talk to stay on-task, and being assertive when asking for help with a learning task. In our assembly, we’ll remind students of these skills, which help them be successful learners.
For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba via email ( or phone 720-423-9900.
Take Action....
IBCS Spiritwear
Want to outfit your kiddos with IBCS Spiritwear? Look no further than the online store. The store has adult and child clothing sizes, plus more. You can place orders online and/or by completing the store order form sent home with all students in last week's All School Thursday Folder. If ordering with the form, please include payment and return to school with your student by Friday, Oct. 12; orders completed via the form include free shipping. If ordering online, shipping fees are added.
Box Tops for Education
It's time to turn in your Box Tops for Education! Please submit your Box Tops to the Main Office by Friday. Oct. 12 as a submission deadline is coming up. Last year, we earned $458 for our school through the program. For questions or if you would like to help prepare Box Tops for submission, please contact Izzi B. Parent and Volunteer, Shauna Flege.
What's Going on With...
IBCS Needs (PAID) School Crossing Guards
Looking to make a little extra money? Consider applying to become a School Crossing Guard at Isabella Bird. School Crossing Guards monitor street crossings during hours when children are going to and from school, direct children and traffic at intersections to ensure safe crossing and escort children across the street. This is a paid position through Denver Public Schools and requires a commitment of one to two hours on five days a week, or when school is in session. To apply for the position, visit the Denver Public Schools website.
Save the Date...
Stapleton Community Food Drive Ends Tomorrow
The Food Drive helps families and children who suffer from hunger and poor nutrition in and around the Stapleton community. The Drive will help us stock our school’s pantry. For more information, please visit: There are still two ways to donate:
A Drive collection barrel will soon be placed in the school’s east side foyer. You can deliver canned goods and other non-perishable donations to IBCS through tomorrow, Oct. 8.
Make a cash donation directly to Izzi B. by visiting the link below and clicking on the “Donate” button: Make sure you type Isabella Bird Community School in the “Notes” section to encourage our pantry for students and families in need receive your generous donation.
Walk/Bike to School Day
Grab your bike helmet and lace up your walking shoes, IBCS is participating in the national Walk/Bike to School Day event on Wednesday, Oct. 10. Visit for more information.
IBCS Book Fair
Saddle up your unicorns and mark your calendar to embark on a journey to the Izzi B. Enchanted Forest Book Fair: Let Your Imagination Grow! Make plans now to gather your family and make their way to the magical land of reading in the Izzi B. Library during Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences on Monday, Oct. 22 (8 a.m.-6 p.m.) and Tuesday, Oct. 23 (8 a.m.-12 p.m.). Can’t join us in the Forest? Our online Book Fair is just as enchanting! Order books online from Oct. 17-30 and your order ships free to the school!
Mark Your Calendars...
Wednesday, Oct. 10: Walk/Bike to School Day
Wednesday, Oct. 10, 8:15 a.m.: Classroom Liaison Meeting
Thursday, Oct. 11, 5:30 p.m.: Council Meeting
Friday, Oct. 19-Tuesday, Oct. 23, All Day: No School for Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences
Monday, Oct. 22-Tuesday, Oct. 23: IBCS Book Fair