From the virtual desk of Schuba...
Dear Izzi B. Family and Friends,
I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy at home. More than a month into school closures, the IBCS staff are super concerned about the social-emotional impact on our children.
Mindfulness is a simple practice available to all and can reduce stress, increase calmness and clarity, and promote happiness. In this edition of Notes from the Dragon Cave, I'm sharing three resources you can use at home with your children to promote mindfulness:
Home Connection: Social-Emotional Learning (for older students)
Home Connection: Social-Emotional Learning (for younger students)
A couple things to remember:
Remain calm and reassuring when discussing the COVID-19 pandemic with children. Children will react to both what you say and how you say it, and they'll pick up cues from conversations you have with them and others.
Pay attention to what children see or hear on television, radio or online. Consider reducing the amount of screen time they have to decrease time focused on COVID-19. Too much information on one topic can lead to anxiety.
All people (young and old) may experience many different emotions during this unprecedented time. Fear, hope, sadness, anger, anxiety and optimism are just some of the emotions we may experience. If you are concerned about your child’s social-emotional well-being, Denver Public Schools has several resources available.
Thanks for all you do,
Isabella Bird Community School Administration
For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba ( or Caleb (
Take Action...
Remote Learning Spirit Week
Get ready for the first-ever Izzi B. Remote Learning Spirit Week! Let’s have some fun and celebrate Izzi B.
Monday, April 27 – Mustache Day
Tuesday, April 28 – Super Hero Day (to honor those who continue to serve us, including healthcare workers, first-responders, grocery store employees, delivery drivers and all other essential workers who continue to risk their own health to support us all)
Wednesday, April 29 – Wacky Hair Day
Thursday, April 30 – Dress to Impress Day (since we're all most likely wearing lounge clothes and because pajamas just don't have the same meaning)
Friday, May 1 – Izzi B. Spirit Day
Save the Date...
April Council Meeting
We are excited to host and connect with many of you during our first Zoom Council Meeting, Thursday, April 23, at 7 p.m. Our hope is this new time will allow for family dinners and a break between daytime obligations. Stay tuned for an additional communication soliciting your questions, concerns, community announcements and/or specific topics you’d like addressed during the meeting.
Meeting ID: 563 804 3394
Password: DRAGON2020
Or by phone:
+1 253 215 8782 U.S.
+1 301 715 8592 U.S.
Meeting ID: 563 804 3394
Password: 596723
Mark Your Calendars...
Thursday, April 23, 7 p.m.: Council Meeting
Friday, May 8, All Day: No School (Professional Development Day)
Friday, May 22, 9-10 a.m.: Coffee & Conversation
Monday, May 25, All Day: No School (Memorial Day)
Friday, May 29, 8-11:30 a.m.: Last Day of School