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Notes from the Dragon Cave

From the Desk of Schuba...

I am really looking forward to meeting and connecting with parents and guardians TONIGHT at the Direct Give Party at Tarah’s house from 6-10:00 pm. We’ve raised $12,500 dollars toward our goal of $110,000. While we have a recommended amount per student, any donation helps provide our school and students with the resources and supports needed to make Isabella Bird exceptional. The theme is Oktoberfest and the event is hosted by The Buckners, The Nelsons and The Miles Families. For more information, please visit the Council website.

For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba via email ( or phone 720-423-9900.


Take Action...

Harvest Festival Volunteers

This year’s Harvest Festival has all the ingredients for a great time: pumpkins, rides, music, food, attendees, but the one thing we’re missing? HELP! We can’t put this event on without people like you volunteering time and resources. Got a pickup truck? Help us transport pumpkins! Got an hour? Sell concessions! Got a great chili recipe? Make a batch for our cook-off! The shift you want is likely still available...for now! Sign up here:!/showSignUp/20f0b45a9ab23a7f94-harvest1

Wellness Initiative: be well Block Captain Training

Register today for the FREE health and leadership be well Youth Block Captain Training for 4th-12th graders at Youth participate in fun and interactive sessions on heart-health, nutrition, physical activity, civic engagement and mental wellness on Thursday evenings from 6-8 p.m. (optional 5:30 p.m. dinner) from Nov. 1 - Dec. 13 (not including Thanksgiving). Youth who complete the program will receive a medal at the 2019 January be well Awards and can apply to the be well Youth Council that works on 1-3 community projects to promote health.


What's Going on With...

Spanish and STEAM Update

At Isabella Bird Community School, we fully recognize the importance of creating global citizens, which includes exposure to Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM). As you’ve most likely heard, we did not hire a STEAM teacher for the 2018-2019 school year and thus we do not have a STEAM class. There are several reasons for this decision:

  1. In August, we interviewed several candidates for the position. Based upon the interviews we did not feel any of the candidates had the necessary experience and expertise to build and guide the STEAM program at IBCS.

  2. Considering the lack of qualified applicants and conversations with our district budget partners, we determined the best decision, from a financial standpoint, would be to not fill the position.

  3. Teachers are overwhelmingly in favor of moving Spanish into the specials (PE, Art and Music) schedule. Including Spanish in the specials schedule gives teachers a more consistent schedule and aligned planning time among grade-level teams.

Looking ahead at how STEAM might fit into our mission and vision, we see several opportunities. Next year, classroom teachers will receive and implement a new science curriculum. This new science curriculum will be purchased by Denver Public Schools and will align with Next Generation Science Standards; these standards emphasize STEAM and include many STEAM connections. At IBCS, we see a great opportunity ahead to support classroom teachers in implementing a high-quality and Next Generation Science Standards-aligned curriculum.

We also want to take this time to emphasize our commitment to the Spanish program. Throughout the 2018-2019 school year, school leadership will work with our current Spanish teacher and DPS support to strengthen the program and develop our Spanish language instruction into a robust and meaningful program. Thank you for your support of Isabella Bird Community School. Please feel free to reach out to Schuba or Caleb with any questions.

IBCS Needs (PAID) School Crossing Guards

Looking to make a little extra money? Consider applying to become a School Crossing Guard at Isabella Bird. School Crossing Guards monitor street crossings during hours when children are going to and from school, direct children and traffic at intersections to ensure safe crossing and escort children across the street. This is a paid position through Denver Public Schools and requires a commitment of one to two hours on five days a week, or when school is in session. To apply for the position, visit the Denver Public Schools website.

Izzi B.’s on Instagram

Izzi B. is on Instagram! Curious what your student is working on in Art or what books and authors are shared in Library each week? Follow @izzib_artists and @izzib_readers on Instagram for a closer look. Both Morgan and Andrea are working hard to create posts to give you a peek into a day with your creative Izzi B. students.


Save the Date...

8th Annual Stapleton Community Food Drive

Izzi B. has partnered again this year with New Perspective Real Estate and several local business and organizations for the 8th Annual Stapleton Community Food Drive, now – Oct. 8. The Food Drive helps families and children who suffer from hunger and poor nutrition in and around the Stapleton community. The Drive will help us stock our school’s pantry. For more information, visit: Ways to donate:

  1. A Drive collection barrel will soon be placed in the school’s east side foyer. You can deliver canned goods and other non-perishable donations here, now - Oct. 8.

  2. Look for the white Collection Bag, delivered to your home by Saturday, Sept. 29 (Stapleton residents), generously fill it with non-perishable items, place the bag on your front porch by 9 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 6, and Drive volunteers will pick-up your donation that day.

  3. Make a cash donation directly to Izzi B. by visiting the link below and clicking on the “Donate” button: Make sure you type Isabella Bird Community School in the “Notes” section to ensure our pantry for students and families in need receive your generous donation.

Fall-Themed Fun at Izzi B.’s Annual Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival is just two weeks away! New to the mix this year is a Hay Ride, as well as Hungry Hippo Inflatable and an Obstacle Course. Don't forget we also have our Izzi B. Pumpkin Patch! Tickets are $20 each (discounted tickets are available for those who qualify). Purchase your tickets early and PLEASE sign up for volunteering shifts.

Mark Your Calendars...

  • Wednesday, Oct. 3, 6 p.m.: Fundraising Meeting

  • Sunday, Oct. 7, 2-5 p.m.: Annual Harvest Festival

  • Wednesday, Oct. 10: Bike to School Day (more information coming soon)

  • Wednesday, Oct. 10, 8:15 a.m.: Classroom Liaison Meeting

  • Thursday, Oct. 11, 5:30 p.m.: Council Meeting

  • Friday, Oct. 19-Tuesday, Oct. 23, All Day: No School for Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences

  • Monday, Oct. 22-Tuesday, Oct. 23: Book Fair


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