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Notes from the Dragon Cave

From the Desk of Schuba...

Dear Izzi B. Family and Friends,

Happily we learn, happily we teach! Thanks to generously provided IBCS Community fundraising dollars, grade-level teachers took a half-day prior to Winter Break to plan, collaborate and learn from one another, while substitutes covered classrooms. Agendas for these half-day sessions were formulated by the school's instructional leadership team as our teachers focused attention on grade-level rigor and differentiation needed for ALL Isabella Bird students to make and achieve progress.

Prior to this planning and learning opportunity, fundraising dollars permitted Izzi B. to purchase iReady, an online progress monitoring tool. This interactive learning environment allows for real-time student assessment and individualized instruction based upon each student's unique math needs. Using this data, students are now divided into groups for skill-based instructional next steps. This tool is part of our Unified Improvement Plan to gather greater data to identify student strengths and skill deficits.

Many thanks to each of our parent volunteers who devote time each week to visit classrooms and work with our wonderfully deserving students. Your support and partnership are critical to all our students’ success.

Passion ~ Joy ~ Optimism

Principal Schuba

Isabella Bird Community School Principal

For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba, via email or phone 720-423-9900.


Take Action...

DPS Transportation +Passes for Bus Riders

To provide safe transportation of all IBCS students who ride DPS buses, the District's transportation office is re-issuing +Pass identification cards. These cards ensure bus drivers, and school staff and leadership, are able to clearly identify bus-riding eligibility among students. All students are required to have passes when entering and exiting the bus. New passes will be color-coded according to morning and afternoon bus routes; this will help your student locate their appropriate bus, as well. Old +Passes can be returned to the IBCS Main Office. If you need a replacement +Pass, please work with IBCS Office Staff to submit the appropriate request form. Important: Please remind your student(s) to have his/her +Pass with them on days they ride the bus. Passes are non-transferable and should only be used by the student the pass is issued to. Please submit questions to

Dine & Donate: MOD Pizza

Join us for dinner at MOD Pizza (9135 E. Northfield Blvd, Suite 140) this Wednesday, Dec. 11, 5-9 p.m. MOD Pizza will donate 20 percent back to Izzi B.! Visit to view the menu. For questions, contact Fundraising Co-Chair, Izzi B. Parent and Volunteer, Tricia Houston. See you all there!

IBCS Annual All Cultures Night

Join us for one of our most well-attended and engaging community events on Thursday, Dec. 12, 5:30-7 p.m. This is a night for our Izzi B. community to celebrate diversity, meet new people and try new foods. Bring a dish to share that represents your family and cultural heritage. Appetizers, salads, main dishes and desserts are all welcome. The event is held in the Community Room (aka the Cafeteria).


What's Going on With...

2020 IBCS Annual Auction: Come on Down!

Auction 2020 is just three months away. Make certain Friday, March 6, is marked on your calendar as "The Price is Right AUCTION NIGHT." Your Auction Committee is hard at work planning a fun night for everyone and to generate big winnings for Izzi B. Not familiar with what inspired this year's theme? Check it out! We're going a bit old school this year, so think more Bob Barker and less Drew Carey...but really, any PIR vibe will do for a fun night!

TICKETS: Ticket purchases go live the week of Jan. 6, with Early Bird Pricing at $50 per ticket (teachers and staff are FREE!). Watch for a School Deets upon our return from Winter Break and get your tickets early!

DONATIONS: We are currently securing a wide-range of donations for the live and silent auction. If you or someone you know owns a business - be it local, virtual or even out-of-state, but accessible to Colorado residents, PLEASE consider donating a gift card, product, service or experience to support this event and our school. All donations are greatly appreciated. Send an email to, and someone will be in touch with you.

EVENT SPONSORSHIP: If you or someone you know owns a business and would like make a cash donation to be named as an Izzi B. Partner Sponsor for our LARGEST event of the year, contact IBCS Parent and Volunteer, Gloria DuBois; she can provide sponsorship package details.

For questions, suggestions or interest in joining the Auction planning committee, email Auction Co-Chairs and IBCS Parents, Ashley Williams and/or Lauren Dolian.


Save the Date

Urban Air Event Benefiting IBCS

Visit Stapleton's favorite trampoline and adventure park, Urban Air, on Thursday, Jan. 9, 5-9 p.m., and Isabella Bird will receive 20 percent of the evening's proceeds. More details to follow.


Mark Your Calendars...

  • Wednesday, Dec. 11, 5-9 p.m.: Dine & Donate: MOD Pizza

  • Thursday, Dec. 12, 5:30-7 p.m.: All Cultures Night

  • Friday, Dec. 20, 8:15-9:15 a.m.: Coffee & Conversation

  • Monday, Dec. 23 – Friday, Jan. 3, All Day: No School (Winter Break)

  • Monday, Jan. 6, All Day: No School (Professional Development Day)

  • Tuesday, Jan. 7, 5:30-7 p.m.: Council Board Meeting

  • Wednesday, Jan. 8, 5:30-7 p.m.: Fundraising Committee Meeting

  • Thursday, Jan. 9, 5-9 p.m.: IBCS Urban Air Event


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