From the Desk of Schuba...
Hello Amazing Izzi B. Family and Friends,
So much going on this time of year! Never a dull moment in the principal’s office.
On Friday, we hosted a special Coffee and Conversation to highlight our draft Innovation Plan. The draft is due to the District for feedback by Friday, Nov. 1. Major shifts in the plan include:
Luminary Learning Network: Leadership and staff are excited about the opportunity to join the Innovation School Zone and will be applying to join the Luminary Learning Network (LLN). The LLN is a new approach to education within DPS to provide greater autonomy for schools to select educational models they believe best accommodate diverse student needs and to improve student achievement. Acceptance into the LLN will establish a new way to manage our budget, professional development, and leadership support. Under our current model, the principal works in service to DPS; under the LLN, an executive director works in service to our school. Thus, a more responsive and supportive model.
Annual Contracts: Under the new innovation plan, teachers will no longer be on annual contracts or “at will" employees. They will instead earn non-probationary status after three years of effective ratings. This honors our teachers’ experience, expertise, and commitment to Isabella Bird.
Council Board: The Board WILL continue in its current state to serve as the decision-making body of IBCS. Leadership believes strongly in this model for it is inclusive, collaborative and productive.
Teacher-Led Model: Currently, IBCS operates under a distributed-leadership model. Under the new plan, we will move to a teacher-led model. Teachers with decision-making authority create the types of schools many of us hope for - schools where students are active and independent learners, who gain strong academic and lifelong social skills to become active contributors in making our world a better place; schools where teachers accept accountability, innovate, and make efficient use of resources. Teacher-led schools are designed to ensure a school leader is working to implement the decisions of the teachers, and distributes accountability and authority among those closest to students for school success. There is a growing track record of successful teacher-led schools, and Isabella Bird Community School is ready to join this elite group.
In December, at least three groups will be required to approve the final draft of the innovation plan. These groups are administration, Council Board and teachers. DPS will vote to renew IBCS' innovation status in February.
IBCS Leadership looks forward to hosting our Well-Managed Schools parent/student workshop this Tuesday, Oct. 29, 5:30 p.m., in the Cafeteria. Also, please join us for our Annual Costume Parade, Thursday, Oct. 31, 2 p.m., on the playground!
Thanks for all you do!
In partnership,
Principal Schuba
For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba via email or phone 720-423-9900.
Take Action....
Help Stock our Pantry, Sustain the IBCS Backpack Program
Izzi B. is holding our first ever, grade-level competition Food Drive to help stock our pantry shelves for our Backpack Program. The Backpack Program provides school families in need of weekend food with donated items. The competition begins tomorrow and concludes Friday, Nov. 8. The grade-level that collects the most items will have a Glow Stick Dance Party in the Cafeteria on Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 2:30 p.m. Donations can be delivered to IBCS. Items to benefit our food pantry include: Hand-held can openers; gluten-free labeled items; cereal; oatmeal; PopTarts; granola bars; canned goods: vegetables, soups, tuna fish, chicken, beans and chili; pasta; rice; peanut butter; sun butter; jelly; applesauce; fruit cups; fruit snacks; chips; nuts; spaghetti and Alfredo sauces; crackers; condiments: mayo, mustard, ketchup, salad dressings; and juice and juice boxes.
Sign up for Direct Give
Direct Give is the most efficient way for our school to raise funds. From a budget perspective the school is put in a better position when we can receive funds on a monthly basis vs. having to wait for large fundraising events. If you have not yet signed up for a monthly Direct Give donation, please do so today (signup link). The suggested amount is $32 per child, but ANY amount helps get us closer to our goal. As an added bonus....families who sign up for Direct Give before Oct. 31 will receive FREE fabulous IBCS swag. For questions, contact Izzi B. Parent and Fundraising Co-Chair, Tricia Houston.
RESCHEDULED: Well-Managed Schools Information Night at IBCS
Are you interested in learning more about our Well-Managed Schools program? IBCS invites you and your child(ren) to join us Tuesday, Oct. 29, 5:30-7 p.m., for an opportunity to practice these life skills together. You'll have the opportunity to collaborate and build connections with other families. Snacks and drinks provided.
IBCS Volunteer Opportunities
Our new classroom and general opportunity volunteer calendar is now live on the IBCS Council website. Volunteers are needed in classrooms each day to help our students advance in literacy, mathematics, science and more; additional volunteer opportunities include lunchroom and Specials support. The calendar is simple and easy to use. For classroom-specific volunteer questions, please contact the teacher directly. For assistance with the calendar or other questions, contact Liaison Committee Co-Chair and IBCS Parent, Jennie Castles.
What's Going on With...
Its Spirit Week!
Show your Izzi B. Spirit this week. Below are daily themes for students to show their IBCS love.
Monday, Oct. 28: Favorite Sports Team Day – Wear something representing your favorite sports team.
Tuesday, Oct. 29: Tacky Tuesday – Wear a mismatched assortment of clothing, accessories and hair styles.
Wednesday, Oct. 30: Decade Day – Show spirit for your favorite decade! Some ideas: Poodle skirts for the 50’s, Hippie for the 60’s, Disco for the 70’s, Neon for the 80’s etc.
Thursday, Oct. 31: Costume Day **(Starting at 1:30 p.m.)** Please do not send your student to school wearing their costume. All students have the opportunity to change into their costumes beginning at 1:30 p.m. for the parade.
Friday, Nov. 1: Pajama Day! Wear your favorite pair of jammies! Be sure to wear rubber soled shoes, too!
Book Fair Success
In just over 10 hours of sales, last month's IBCS Book Fair netted more than $10,000, with 50 percent of profits returning to the school in Scholastic Dollars! Each teacher was awarded an estimated $40 to purchase books for students in their classroom, who may not have been able to participate in growing their own book collection. Thank you to everyone who made it out to support your student’s home book collection, as well as the school library! The Grand Event was also a wonderful opportunity to meet so many important people in our students' lives!
Save the Date...
November Council Meeting
Make plans to join IBCS leadership, teachers and staff, and fellow parents at the November Council Meeting, Thursday, Nov. 14, 5:30-7 p.m., in the Cafeteria. Free childcare is always provided during council meetings. The meeting agenda is made available closer to the meeting date.
IBCS' FCRC Call for Costume Donations
The FCRC is in need of new and/or gently used costumes, sizes 6-14. Donations can be dropped off with Joannie in the Front Office now through Wednesday, Oct. 30. For questions, please contact Izzi B. Parent and Volunteer, Susan Lorimor.
Golden Sky Mango House
Mango House is a shared space for refugee services, and houses international food stalls, and was recently featured in Denver's 5280 Magazine. The Golden Sky food stall is owned by one of our Newcomer families new to our school this year. On Thursday, Nov. 7, 5-8 p.m., let's enjoy a delicious Asian dinner there to show this family of four a warm welcome by supporting their food stall and building friendships. While you're there, show some love to the other food stall families from Nepal, Somalia, Syria, and Burma. The tasty food and sweet hospitality will not disappoint! Mango House is located at 10180 E. Colfax, Aurora. Please RSVP if you can attend. For questions, please contact IBCS Parent and Staff Member, Tina Lin.
Mark Your Calendars...
Monday, Oct. 28 - Friday, Nov. 1: Spirit Week (themes vary by day)
Tuesday, Oct. 29, 5:30-7 p.m.: Well-Managed Schools Information Night
Thursday, Oct. 31, 2-2:45 p.m.: IBCS Annual Costume Parade
Monday, Nov. 4, 5:30-7 p.m.: Council Board Meeting
Tuesday, Nov. 5, 5:30-7 p.m.: Fundraising Committee Meeting
Wednesday, Nov. 6: Picture Re-take Day
Thursday, Nov. 14, 5:30-7 p.m.: Council Meeting
Thursday, Nov. 21, times vary: IBCS Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon
Friday, Nov. 22, 8:15-9:15 a.m.: Coffee and Conversation
Nov. 25-29, All Day: No School (Fall Break)