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Notes from the Dragon Cave

From the Desk of Schuba...

Educational funding will always be a challenge. When I was a graduate student, my doctoral work centered on systematic ways in which schools can provide student intervention practices within the classroom and beyond. To make funding-related obstacles appear more bearable, my studies taught me we must shift our holistic focus onto comprehensive training and curriculum for our teachers and paraprofessional educators. This approach allows our beloved school professionals - from the top down - to implement relevant programs within the standard classroom, as well as via “pull out” methods.

IBCS purchased REWARDS®, a literacy intervention program for intermediate students in grades 4-5 (the program also includes sixth grade), who strive to read grade-level text, especially multi-syllabic vocabulary words. It’s a proven, research-validated program with metrics showing it successfully increases fluency, comprehension, academic vocabulary, and spelling. REWARDS also increases students’ reading confidence - an extremely important step in nurturing thriving readers.

One of our classroom paras, Joannie, will begin pulling three fifth grade groups to conduct this intensive intervention over a six-week period, while other intermediate classroom teachers use the program within their general education classes. I have witnessed great student academic success using this program and cannot wait to track progress at Izzi B!


Principal Schuba

For questions or conversation, reach out to Schuba via email ( or phone at 720-423-9900.


Take Action....

School Arrival/Departure: Plan Accordingly

In the coming weeks, Castle Rock Construction, the outfit responsible for the expansion of Martin Luther King (MLK) Boulevard, will install a new waterline down future MLK. Work will begin at Iola St., where the construction crew will tie into an existing water main. The new waterline will run down future Eastbound MLK crossing Ironton, Kingston, and Lima Streets. Although not simultaneously, each crossing will require a closure between 28th and existing MLK. Castle Rock Construction is also looking at installing a sanitary sewer line into Bluff Lake Nature Center for future use. Schuba is in close communication with Mark Euser, the project manager. Please contact her with questions and/or concerns regarding the projects. Read more about the project.

Conference Meals: Coffee, Desserts and Clean-up, Oh My!

Conferences begin tomorrow morning, which means we need to make good on feeding our hungry teachers, paras, office staff and all the others who make IBCS the wonderful place it is. While majority of items included with the signup sheet,, are fulfilled, important ones still remain, including coffee, dessert, gluten-free foods and name a few. Consider signing up to donate an item, your time, or both! Our staff really appreciate it, and they deserve it!


What's Going on With...

Growing Our School Garden

Exciting news! This year Izzi B. received a grant and is now collaborating with the Growe Foundation on our school garden. Growe offers a comprehensive garden plan and support, including activities for each grade-level match to state curriculum standards. For the program to bare success, we need a few parents willing to offer a few hours to get things started. If you're willing, we'd be grateful! Contact School Nurse, Gay Lynn Olsen at or 720-423-9915.

Scholastic Book Begins TOMORROW

Join us in the Library for a DINO-MITE Book Fair during Izzi B. Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences! It’s now filled with books and gifts of all reading levels. Nearly 60 percent of proceeds from the book fair are used to purchase new Scholastic books for our still-growing book collection! Last year, more than $10,000 was raised. Everybody loves new books and more great reads! Also, there’s still volunteer opportunities for book-lovers of all ages. Visit to sign up. All adult and fourth and fifth grade volunteers receive a $5 gift certificate to be used on any purchase at our book fair. If you’re unable to attend the book fair, you can purchase books online at

Book Fair Hours: Monday, March 4: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. & Tuesday, March 5: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Thanks for Eating for IBCS

Last week, our Dine & Donate event at Esters at Oneida Park raised nearly $300. A heartfelt and tummy-full thanks! Stay tuned for information about our next Dine & Donate event.


Save the Date...

IBCS Budget Update

Following the Feb. 21 IBCS Council Meeting, where 19-20 School Year Budget was discussed and presented, School Leadership, in partnership with members of the IBCS Council Board, will host a follow-up ALL Council Meeting on Tuesday, March 5, at 5:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria. All IBCS families are invited and encouraged to attend. Child care is provided. The focus of this special meeting is to provide more budget detail and to engage in discussion/Q&A as a community. In advance of the March 5 meeting, you are invited to submit specific questions and/or requests here. This ensures your questions are answered and serves as a valuable aid to School Leadership, as they prepare for the meeting. If you submit a question or comment, but you are UNABLE to attend the meeting, please indicate this in your submission and Leadership will follow up with you individually. If you have questions or concerns about the proposed budget for the 19-20 school year, or you missed the Council Meeting and want to get up to speed on this important topic, please attend.

PLEASE NOTE: This discussion is exclusive to the 19-20 IBCS School Year Budget as dictated by available and eligible DPS funding. The IBCS Council 19-20 Budget, funded exclusively by our collective fundraising efforts, is separate and is a priority topic at the upcoming March and April Council Meetings.


Mark Your Calendars...

  • Monday, March 4, All Day: No School for Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences

  • Tuesday, March 5, All Day: No School for Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences

  • Tuesday, March 5, 5:30 p.m.: Follow-up IBCS Council Meeting

  • Wednesday, March 6, 5:30-6:30 p.m.: Fundraising Meeting

  • Wednesday, March 13, 8:15-9:15 a.m.: Liaison Meeting

  • Thursday, March 14, 5:30-7 p.m.: Council Meeting (child care is provided)

  • Friday, March 15, 6-10 p.m.: Izzi B. Annual Auction

  • Monday, March 18, 3:15-4:15 p.m.: Culture and Equity Team Meeting

  • Monday, March 18, 5:30-7 p.m.: Council Board Meeting

  • Friday, March 22, 8:15-9:15 a.m.: Coffee and Conversation

  • Friday, March 22, 3:30-4:30 p.m.: Family Hidden at Hidden Brook

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Notes from the Dragon Cave

From the Desk of Schuba... Last week, when I popped into one of our fifth grade classrooms, Jackson eagerly ran up to me to share an...


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