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At Isabella Bird Community School, we take your donations and our financial obligations extremely seriously. In the interest of full transparency and accountability to all IBCS stakeholders, we will post our monthly income statements and annual budget online.


If you have any questions related to our finances, please join us at a monthly meeting or contact either of our treasurers at

Financial Transparancy.jpg
Spending Priorities
$140,000 GOAL!

Evergreen Bucket           $93,000

  • Technology Allocation

  • Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment (CIA)

  • Professional Development

  • Programming/Enrichments

  • Community Care

  • Diversity & Inclusion

  • Council Administration

Voted by IBCS Council   $46,000

  • Paraprofessional Support

  • IBCS Book Room/Literacy Resources

  • Grant Writing Support 

  • Outdoor Improvement

2019-2020 Spending Priorities Details

Evergreen Priorities


  • Technology:  Funds set aside for a required all-school update and upgrade of iPads and Chromebooks, plus supporting equipment and software, every three years.

  • CIA:  Investment in educational software, progress monitoring tools, curriculum materials and like support resources to meet educational priorities.

  • Professional Development:  Training, certifications, conferences, workshops, guest speakers and similar to support the ongoing development of capabilities and knowledge among our teachers and staff.

  • Programming/Enrichments:  Funds to deliver programming such as our fall and spring Exploratories, Arts Week, student and all-school wellness, and the school garden.

  • Community Care:  Funds used to support community building such as teacher and staff appreciations, morale, and spirit building, initiatives, food for meetings, recognition, birthdays, celebrations of culture, holiday gatherings, and school-wide events (non-fundraising).

  • Diversity & Inclusion:  Funds to support expenses related to the Family Community Resource Center, inclusion and diversity programming, translation services and transportation.

  • Administration:  Funds to cover the administrative costs associated with the IBCS Council, such as web hosting, graphic design, insurance, web, and app platform subscriptions, childcare for meetings and events, postage, etc.

Voted by IBCS Council


  • Paraprofessional Support:  Funding for one Paraprofessional staff member to support the educational goals at IBCS in the ’19-’20 academic year.

  • IBCS Book Room:  Funding to complete a robust reading and resources library for all grade levels and support individual classrooms to build a library appropriate for class level and teacher needs.

  • Grant Writing Support:  Funding to engage a professional grant writer to assist IBCS in securing key funding available through grants to contribute to our annual fundraising goals and to make possible key initiatives for the school.

  • Outdoor Improvement:  Funding to improve and enhance the outdoor space around the school, with ’19-’20 school year priority given to the purchase of durable picnic tables and possible additional shade between the cafeteria and the playground.

Again, if you have any questions related to our finances, please join us at a monthly meeting or contact either of our treasurers at

© 2021, Isabella Bird Community School Council | Site by Mindee Forman

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